For a mutually agreed-upon flat fee, Nichol Capital Advisors provides clients objective, specific input on their overall portfolio to complement existing providers who have the unavoidable conflict of interest of selling specific strategies/products as part of their business model. Without the necessity of replacing existing providers, clients receive an unvarnished view of their portfolio and ideas for possible enhancements. 

Clients may include ultra-high net worth individuals/families or foundations who:

  • work with numerous managers but are not receiving objective overall guidance
  • have experienced a significant liquidity event and are in need of a fresh assessment of their overall asset allocation/investment portfolio
  • are not sure how their portfolio is performing relative to what it should be given their asset allocation/investment objectives when compared to best-in-class managers
  • know something is not working right within their portfolio, but are either too busy or not knowledgeable enough on the topic to capably address

Clients may include ultra-high net worth individuals/families or foundations who:

  • work with numerous managers but are not receiving objective overall guidance
  • have experienced a significant liquidity event and are in need of a fresh assessment of their overall asset allocation/investment portfolio
  • are not sure how their portfolio is performing relative to what it should be given their asset allocation/investment objectives when compared to best-in-class managers
  • know something is not working right within their portfolio, but are either too busy or not knowledgeable enough on the topic to capably address


Conversations with the clients are held in order to prepare a summary document that captures the long-term goals and objectives of a client and couples it with one’s constraints … such as risk tolerance and liquidity requirements. Tailored to the specific client, such a statement may either be reaffirmed and updated (if one is already in place) or developed for the first time and in a language the client easily understands.

Investors need to understand what they are invested in and how such investments align (or do not align) with their goals and objectives. Information is gathered from existing managers and funds; and, after having follow-up conversations with certain managers, Nichol Capital Advisors incorporates what it has learned into an independent comprehensive review for the client.

A report is delivered in person in order to explain what had been learned and to provide opinions on what appears to be working well and where there may be holes in the portfolio or inferior strategies.

We remain available to the client as a resource for important investment considerations.